Are you a puppet?

An interesting discussion arose one evening during a small group meeting regarding free will vs predestination.  And the question was posed, "Are you a puppet?"  So, let's see what scripture as to say about free will.

Read more: Are you a puppet?

May 2011 Insights

Two things that have really stuck out to me in my studies this last month.  One was from Our Daily Bread on May 28th, entitled "Are Your Listening?", and reminded me that God doesn't always work in the same way.  In it, Julie Ackerman Link points out that we can be like Moses in with the Israelites and getting water from the rock.

Read more: May 2011 Insights

When God has bigger plans

So, while in Slidell, I decided to see if the Church had high speed internet. I noticed a secured wireless network, but an unsecured access point. So, early Sunday afternoon, I disconnected the access point, I did a quick Skype video test to my wife and reconnected everything back the way it was. Later that evening, two young men show up, one seemed a little steamed, working on his PDA, the other was instructed to take pictures of AP right before the network cable was clipped. After a brief interrogation where I disclosed what I had done and answered a question on the company my laptop immediately tried to VPN into when it was connected to the network, they were gone with nothing more than "I am making a report to my supervisor".

Read more: When God has bigger plans

Exciting Times

It's amazing how God works. I just found out yesterday that a group of people from my church are going to LA to help the church we adopted to assist rebuild after Katrina hit. And, as my wife and I spent the afternoon putting a storage bin system together for the church's nursery, we agreed that it would be worth me going down, and possibly her if we can find a babysitter.

Read more: Exciting Times