May 2011 Insights

Two things that have really stuck out to me in my studies this last month.  One was from Our Daily Bread on May 28th, entitled "Are Your Listening?", and reminded me that God doesn't always work in the same way.  In it, Julie Ackerman Link points out that we can be like Moses in with the Israelites and getting water from the rock.


From the article, "Sometimes in exhaustion or exasperation, we don’t pay close attention to God. We assume He will always work the same way. But He doesn’t. Sometimes He tells us to act; sometimes He tells us to speak; sometimes He tells us to wait. That is why we must always be careful to listen before we take action."

The other came from a sermon at Skyview on the Memorial Work Weekend.  Jeremy Hales pointed out that people on FaceBook are quick to post that they've had a bad day, etc.  Possibly for a cry of sympathy, but too few of us will put our focus on God and post what He is doing in our lives.  Why do we focus on our negative selves, instead of reflecting the glory of our Father in heaven?